Call for grants for modular specialized advisory services for Galician companies provided by collaborating entities.
Aids to International Certification
This organization benefited from aid from the Foexga Program
The main objective of these aids is to encourage the carrying out of external promotion actions that provide competitive advantages.
The result we intend to achieve is the boost of businesses and their products and services, increasing the number of export-based companies.
Muller 22 Program
Initial indefinite hiring of unemployed mulleres[TR770A] Moonoff’s Terms of Use.
Galicia Emprega
Incentive program for contract hiring and training.
Moonoff SL Innovation Bonus (002)
To promote technological development, innovation and quality research.
This operation is financed by the Xunta de Galicia, through grants granted by the Galician Innovation Agency, within the 2022 Innovation Bonds business grant program.
Call for Subsidies from the Galicia Energy Institute for photovoltaic energy projects, year 2020-2021
Operation co-financed by the European Union
ERDF Galicia Operational Program 2014-2020
Achieve a cleaner and more sustainable economy.
A way to make Europe.